This 10 yoga asanas help you to sleep well - International yoga day : 2020

The Theme for 2020 is "Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family".

Why 21 June? for International Yoga Day.

International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015. 21 June  is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has a particular meaning in many parts of the world. So 21 June is celebrated as a international yoga day

 this 5  Rules to follow...

1. Stomach should be clean before workout.
2. Do step by step yoga poses.
3.Simple then go for complex yoga poses.
4. After 6 hours form meal you can do Yoga.
5.Do the under expert observation

7. Reasons You Do Yoga  click here .........

This 10 yoga asanas  help you to sleep well - International yoga day : 2020 

This 10 yoga asanas  help you to sleep well - International yoga day : 2020

This 10 yoga asanas  help you to sleep well - International yoga day : 2020


1.Bridge pose

2. Knee to chest

3. Spine twist

4. child's pose

5.Upward dog

6.Camel pose

7. Butterfly fold

8. corpse pose

9.Hero pose

10. suryanamaskar

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